
Fr­equen­t Asked Quest­ions

Q. Will the Mobil­e Phone Anti Radia­tion Shiel­d affec­t the signa­l stren­gth of my mobil­e?

A­. No! The Mobil­e Phone Anti Radia­tion Shiel­d will not affec­t the signa­l stren­gth of the mobil­e phone in any way.

Q. I have been a heavy user of mobil­e phone­s for years and I feel fine, why shoul­d I feel conce­rned?­
A. It has been repor­ted in scien­tific paper­s and accep­ted by WHO as well as Docto­rs world­wide that conti­nuous expos­ure to EMF emitt­ed from mobil­es adver­sely affec­t healt­h and may signi­fican­tly incre­ase the risk of cance­r. There­fore, even thoug­h you may feel fine, it is no guara­ntee that you are safe.­

Q. What is the life time of the Mobil­e Phone Anti Radia­tion Shiel­d?

A­. It is desig­ned to last for 5year­s.

Q­. Is the Mobil­e Phone Anti Radia­tion Shiel­d meant for only mobil­es or can it be used on other elect­ronic gadge­ts?

­A. Altho­ugh used exten­sivel­y for mobil­e phone­s, it can also be used on other elect­ronic gadge­ts that radia­te EMF like Lapto­ps, Compu­ters and Cordl­ess Phone­s.

Q­. How do you prove the effec­tiven­ess of the Mobil­e Phone Anti Radia­tion Shiel­d?

A­. It is very simpl­e. Stick the patch to your mobil­e phone and you will start to feel the diffe­rence­. Your mobil­e will stop emitt­ing the heat that you were exper­ienci­ng previ­ously from your mobil­e.
U­ser Instr­uctio­ns
1­) Clean your mobil­e with mild soap and wipe off any dirt.­
2) Peel the Mobil­e Phone Anti Radia­tion Shiel­d off the packa­ge.
­3) Place shiel­d on the back side of phone­, close to the anten­na/ea­r piece­

Q: Is Cell Phone Radiation Dangerous?
A: A growing body of evidence shows that cell phone and wireless radiation – at even very low levels-  could harm our health in a number of different ways. The World Health Organization (WHO) has already listed cell phones as a Class 2 B Carcinogen “possibly carcinogenic to humans”—in the same category as lead, engine exhaust, DDT, and jet fuel. Studies in Europe show that people who used cell phone heavily for over ten years have a doubled risk of brain cancer, and those who begin using cell phones as teenagers have a four to five times higher chance of being diagnosed with brain cancer.
Wireless radiation could harm the reproductive system as well. Many experiments have been conducted on wireless radiation and sperm. Scientists at the Cleveland Clinic and major research centers around the world have repeatedly found that sperm from healthy men that are exposed to cell phone radiation die three times more quickly and develop three times more damage to mitochondrial DNA than sperm from the same men that are not exposed. Already 3 research reviews indicate reproduction related health problems from cell phones.
Case studies show young women who stored their cell phones in their bra for years developed unusual tumors right below the location of the antennas where they kept their phone. These women had no history of breast cancer or genetic predisposition to the disease. Learn more about cell phones and breast cancer at Our webpage dedicated to the topic here

Breast cancer
A large number of young women carry their cellphones in the bra unaware that they are exposing themselves directly to microwave radiation. That is not a good idea. In fact, the phones come with specific warnings from manufacturers not to do so.
Dr. John West and his colleagues at Breast Care in Southern California have been working with Dr. Lisa Bailey, former President of the American Cancer Society California and one of the nation’s top breast surgeons. Together with Dr. Bailey and Dr. West’s team, we have accumulated seven cases of young women with very unusual breast cancers, all of whom have no family history and no genetic risk factors for the disease.
Normally, breast cancer occurs in the upper outer quadrant of the breast, toward the armpit. These unusual cases have breast tumours that are barely under the skin and have multiple tumours at the centre of the chest right under the outline of where these women kept their cellphones. Two of these cases are only 21 years old. Breast cancer rarely occurs in 21 year-olds. These women carried their cellphones in their bras from the time they were 13 years old for hours per day. Multiple primary breast cancer is not common, either. No more than 10% of all breast cancers present as multiple primary.
There has not been serious experimental or public health research on the relationship between cellphones and breast cancer in the United States. However, Turkey scientific publications report that breast cancer cell growth quadrupled when exposed them to cellphone radiation. In reviewing the 18-year-old approach to cellphone testing, the U.S. Government Accounting Office noted that phones are not tested as used and recommended more realistic testing scenarios be developed. Modeling studies indicate that phones kept close to the body in the shirt or pants pocket can produce two to six times more microwave radiation than recommended.
The warnings on an iPhone can be found under “Settings” by selecting “General>About>Legal>RF Exposure”. It advises you to use a headset or a speakerphone during a call, to keep the phone at least 10mm away from the body at all times, and that cellphone cases (or holders) with metal parts may change the phone’s compliance with RF exposure guidelines in a manner that has not been tested or certified. Unlike most other contents of the iPhone, the text of these RF Exposure warnings cannot be enlarged or copied. Most consumers are completely unaware of the existence of those warnings. Some women tuck cellphones into their bras or their headscarves, and men often carry cellphones in their pants pockets. BlackBerry and other smartphones have similar warnings, such as, “Don’t keep the phone in the pocket” and “Keep the phone at least 2.54 cm away from the abdomen of pregnant women or teenagers.”
Men who want to father healthy children have to be aware: If you take sperm from healthy men and put them in two test tubes, where one test tube gets exposed to cellphone radiation and the other does not, the sperm in the test tube exposed to cellphone radiation die three times faster and have three times more damage in their DNA than the unexposed sperm. There is a growing consensus in the medical community that cellphone radiation is a health problem. According to Professor Stanton Glantz of the University of California, a well-known expert in biostatistics, cellphones clearly do damage sperm, but should not be considered a reliable form of birth control.
I was trained as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Johns Hopkins University in Cancer Epidemiology and I worked with the U.S. National Academy of Sciences for 10 years directing environmental studies. As Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh cancer institute, I owned three cellphones and insisted that all the senior staff whom I was working with had to carry a BlackBerry on their bodies so I could reach them when I needed them.
When my first grandchild was at nine months of age, he was able to take a cellphone, turn it on, find a game and play it. At first I was very proud of him. Inspired by my grandson’s skills with cellphones, I began to look into what we knew about cellphones.
What I found shocked me.
I naively thought that all consumer goods had been adequately tested for safety. However, I discovered that the so-called “safety” of cellphones was based on an extremely outdated paradigm that contradicted cutting edge science. I further realized that the mobile industry used their financial advantage to “war game” scientists whose research revealed that cellphone radiation was associated with increased risk to human health. While reviewing cellphones, I noted a serious problem looming—that there was no more unexposed control group, as most people in the world were using cellphones. I saw from my own research on environmental studies and my previous work on the war of cancer how long it took for us to take action against tobacco, asbestos and other toxic substances. It took us far too long to reduce people’s cigarette smoking. Although we have finally seen a decline in tobacco death, numerous lives have been sacrificed over decades while the problem was denied and the solution was delayed.
The public needs to understand that a cellphone is a two-way microwave radio. In order for it to receive information, it must send signals to the tower for the tower to send signals back to it. Whenever you are moving (e.g. in cars or on bikes) while you are on your phone, the phone operates at full power to maintain connection with one cell tower after another. That means continuous, maximum microwave radiation. On top of that, you have constant microwave radiation plumes generated by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth two-way transmissions as well as notifications and updates of numerous smartphone apps. The mobile industry euphemizes this radiation as “radiofrequency energy,” because marketing cellphones as two-way microwave radios used next to the brain would not make them very popular.
To use a cellphone smartly, turn it on only when you need to use it. Otherwise, keep it on airplane mode because on airplane mode it cannot send microwave radiation to a cell tower or into you! In addition, distance is your friend. Keep your cellphone away from your body, use a wired headset or speakerphone. Keep the cellphone out of your pockets and your bra. Make the bra a no-phone zone.
Q: What other Health Concerns are Linked to Cell Phones?
A. In addition to brain cancer, health concerns from cell phone wireless radiation include increased oxidative stress, altered brain activity, hearing loss, fertility issues and impacts on brain neuron maturation.
Experimental research shows that animals exposed prenatally to cell phone radiation develop more damage to critical parts of the brain involved in thinking and impulse control–the hippocampus and cerebellum. Dr. Hugh Taylor Chief of OB GYN at Yale has shown that pregnant mice exposed to this radiation have offspring with increased hyperactivity, decreased memory and altered brain development.
EHT has convened several expert conference where scientists have presented their research. For example at the Commonwealth Club in 2013, scientists detailed the  science showing brain, breast cancer and reproductive organ impacts. At this conference Dr. Suleyman Kaplan presented his research showing significant changes in brain neuron development after exposure to this radiation. You can read his letter to the FCC on his research here. Please watch the 2015 lecture at George Washington University with Indian Government expert Dr. R. S. Sharma reviewing research here.
Scientists in Korea have additionally found something called Digital Dementia in children. They reported that children who are heavy technology users have brains that underdeveloped on the right side. This has been characterized by memory loss, attention disorders, lack of eye contact, lack of empathy, and difficulty feeling or showing emotions.  As a result the Korean government is instituting programs to reduce uses and exposures especially to young children.
Furthermore, cell phone use has been shown to result in increased production of glucose in the brain in a major NIH study. This shows that even very low levels of microwave radiation can change brain function. A recent study on 4G technology showed that the radiation affected brain neural activity not only in the closer brain region but also in the remote region, including the left hemisphere of the brain.
Recent research also demonstrates a wide-variety of cellular damage experimentally including increased oxidative stress from cell phone and wireless radiation. Oxidative stress is important to the development of cancer, among other things, because it essentially disrupts the normal redox state of cells, damaging cells and their DNA through the production of peroxides and free radicals. A 2015 research review showed that  peer reviewed research that looked at oxidative stress showed effects in 93 out of 100 studies.
It is also important to note that there is a growing body of evidence connecting a myriad of illnesses to proximity to cell phone towers. In  densely populated cities, there are often a great number of people living close to cell phone towers, and research is documenting that these people are reporting a variety of ailments, including difficulty sleeping, nausea, and more.
Q: What About Children?
A: On July 12, 2012 the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) urging the FCC to open a formal inquiry into radiation standards for cell phones and other wireless products because children are more vulnerable to wireless radiation. They state that,  “The FCC has not assessed the standards for cell phone radiation since 1996” and “children are… disproportionately impacted by all environmental exposures, including cell phone radiation”
Current standards were not developed with children’s vulnerabilities in mind. Federal standards are based on an adult male model. Keeping wireless devices close to the pregnant abdomen is potentially dangerous because the developing fetus is especially susceptible to radiation. This is why many Doctors and Obstetricians recommend reducing cell phone and wireless exposures for pregnant women. See the BabySafe Project for more information about a public awareness program developed by Doctors including Dr. Hugh Taylor.
Keep in mind that the brain does not complete development until the mid-twenties.  This means children deserve an additional level of precaution. Small insults on the developing brain can result in large impacts later in life. Their skulls are softer and thinner than an adult’s skull, and they also have more fluid content than an adult.  The radiation is absorbed more deeply into children’s brains and therefore, children need greater protections in place.
Governments and Health Authorities are Taking Action
France: National legislation reducing children's exposure in schools, addressing cell tower emissions compliance, and labeling public transmitters. Cell phone legislation bans cell phones for young children, mandates SAR labeling, and mandates cell phones are sold with headsets. French Health Agency ANSES recommends reducing exposures.

Belgium: Cell phones and cell phone ads are banned for young children and SAR labeling is mandatory. Official government recommendations to reduce exposures are on the government website. Some municipalities have banned wifi for young children.

Spain: Several municipalities have passed resolutions urging the removal of wireless networks in schools and public places and recommending a precautionary approach with children and information campaigns to educate the public.

Canada: The health agency offers”practical advice” to reduce exposure to children. The Parliament issued a Radiofrequency Report recommending action to protect public health. A law was introduced to label wireless devices with health warnings.

Australia: The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency has issued a Fact Sheet titled How to Reduce exposure from mobile phones and other wireless devices and recommends reducing exposure to children.

Italy: A Parliament voted to enact the precautionary principle and reduce wireless exposures whenever possible. The Supreme Court ruled a man’s brain tumor was caused by his cell phone use.

Finland: The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority officially recommends reduced exposure for children since 2009 and details advice to reduce exposure to the public.

Israel: The Ministry of Health states “Precautions should be strictly enforced with regard to children, who are more sensitive to developing cancer. The Israeli Government created the public education webpage National Information Ctr for Non-Ionizing Radiation. The Israeli Ministry Of Education has issued guidelines limiting WiFi and cell phone use in schools.

Switzerland: The Switzerland Federal Office for the Environment has issued specific guidelines to reduce exposure and has created factsheets for the public. The Governing Council of Thurgau Canton recommends for schools” to forgo the use of wireless networks when the structural makeup of a given school building allows for a wired network.

Germany: The Federal Office for Radiation Protection provides tips for reducing radiation exposure to smartphones, tablets and wireless devices and several states recommend wired rather than wireless installations in schools.

Austria: The Public Health Department of Salzburg Region recommends against wireless in schools. No Wi-Fi in Salzberg Schools and many schools are Wi-Fi free. The Austrian Medical Society has issued cell phone safety guidelines.

India: Official “Precautionary Guidelines for mobile users” detail steps to reduce exposures. The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has issued EMF guidelines with Exposure Limits lowered to 1/10 of the ICNIRP level, SAR labeling on phones. Some states have banned cell towers from schools. Many reports have been issued detailing research showing impacts to the environment.

Russia: The Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection has issued strong recommendations to reduce exposure to children and issued several reports.

European Environment Agency: The agency recommends reducing exposures to protect public health and has published reports detailing the rationale for these recommendations.

United Kingdom: The UK National Health Service offers specific recommendations to reduce cell phone radiation exposure to children to lower long term potential risks.

Cyprus: The Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Child Health warns the public that using mobile devices could be potentially harmful to children and has issued recommendations and resources as part of a awareness campaign for the public to reduce exposures specifically to children and pregnant women.

Taiwan: In 2015 the government Updated their Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act to include a complete ban on children under the age of two from using electronic devices such as iPads, televisions and smartphones.

European Parliament: Issued Resolution 1815: In 2011 The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe issued The Potential Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields and Their Effect on the Environment.

United States: Cell phone radiation Right to Know and Wireless labeling legislation has been passed at a local level and introduced at the state and national level. Some Communities have issued proclamations, resolutions and and started initiatives to inform the public of wireless health issues. Berkeley is the first city in the nation to require cell phone retailers to provide those who purchase a new phone an informational fact sheet which informs buyers to read the user manual to learn the cell phone’s minimum separation distance from the body.

Q: What Research has Been Done on Children?
A: It is unethical to experiment on children. However specialized computer modeling can detail how the radiation is absorbed into children’s bodies.
Recent research continues to show that children absorb microwave radiation deeper into their brains. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer’s 2013 Monograph on Radio frequency fields details the research showing how “the average RF energy deposition is twice as high in certain regions of children’s brains and up to 10 times higher in the bone marrow of children’s skulls, compared to energy deposition in adult brains and skulls.”
Please see examples of the accumulated research on EHT’s Science page found here.
In 2008 the National Research Council (NRC) issued a report, The IDENTIFICATION OF RESEARCH NEEDS RELATING TO POTENTIAL BIOLOGICAL OR ADVERSE HEALTH EFFECTS OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS DEVICES calling  for  “investigation of the potential effects of RF fields in the development of childhood brain tumor” observed that “with the rapid advances in technologies and communications utilizing [radiation in the range of cell phone frequencies], children are increasingly exposed… at earlier ages (starting at age 6 or before)” and “Children will be exposed to cell phone radiation for more years and therefore in greater total amounts than the current generation of adults”.
To this date, the necessary comprehensive research necessary to understand the full myriad of risks to children has simply not been done.  However,  the accumulated research showing effects on the developing brain and immune system  are more than enough to show that children are more vulnerable and face far greater risks than adults.
Q: What other devices, besides cell phones, carry these same risks?
A: All devices that are wirelessly enabled will emit microwave radiation when the networks settings are on. These include DECT home cordless phones,  the cordless home phone base, cordless baby monitors, Wi-Fi routers, wireless computers,gaming devices, iPads and tablets, wireless speakers, iPods that connect to the internet and even Fitbit.
It is is wireless, it is a two way microwave radio and has microwave emissions.  in the world we live in now people are exposed to microwave radiation from multiple devices in their home,  school and work every day.  Federal regulations were developed decades ago before such scenarios could even be imagined. We recommend reducing exposures  whenever possible.
Q: Do Government Regulations Protect Us?
A: Currently, government regulations for wireless radiation need to change.  They do not protect us from biological effects nor from long term cumulative exposures. For example, cell phone radiation levels  are thousands of times lower than federal guidelines. Yet researchers are finding that these very low levels may not be safe for the human body because research shows damaging effects even at these very low levels.
Most governments rely on outdated guidelines that were set to apply to short-term thermal or heating only effects from RF/microwave Radiation.  Remember that cell phone radiation is microwave radiation.  Microwaves can cook food  at high levels.  At  low levels (no cooking, non heating) microwaves are used  to send data between cell phones.
Take for example the U.S.  National Institutes of Health research study that found that 50 minutes of exposure to cell phone radiation changed the energy metabolism in the human brain. The cell phone radiation actually increased the metabolism of glucose  in the brain areas closest to the antenna. Dr. Nora D. Volkow, the brain imaging scientist who heads the National Institute on Drug Abuse and led this groundbreaking research stated (of this research that), “Even though the radio frequencies that are emitted from current cell phone technologies are very weak they are able to activate the human brain to have an effect.”
Later research on 3G and 4G  has also showed that  non-thermal (non heating)  levels of this radiation can alter the brain’s electrical activity.
Furthermore, federal guidelines are based on research that does not consider the special vulnerabilities of various population cohorts such as children or pregnant mothers. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “Federal health and safety agencies have not yet developed policies concerning possible risk from long-term, non thermal exposures.” This quote is from a Letter by Robert Hankin of the EPA’s Radiation Protection Division.
How can cell phones be safe if low levels alter brain activity? How can they be safe if there is significant research showing brain cancer in the heavy cell phone users? What about research showing sperm damage and brain damage at levels of microwave radiation thousands of times lower than government regulations?
The reality is that most government regulations on allowable public exposures are set tens of thousands of times too high to protect the public.
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Special advice for pregnant women:
  • Do not store Cell Phone or wireless devices against your body
  • Do not rest Cell phone or Wireless Device on belly while in use.
  • Men wishing to father healthy children should be aware that this radiation has been shown to damage sperm. Men should avoid placing their cell phone in their pocket.